Pleuropulmonary blastoma (PPB) is a malignant tumor of the lung that affects young children. Fortunately PPB is rare, but for the 50-60 children and families around the world affected per year, the diagnosis can be devastating. Most children with PPB develop their tumors in the first five years of life. The majority of children with the earliest form of the disease (Type I PPB) are curable with surgery and possibly chemotherapy. Children with the later forms (Type II or III PPB) have a much more difficult course. The website for the International PPB Registry is a great resource for learning more about PPB.
My research team in collaboration with the International PPB Registry and over 90 families affected by PPB have recently uncovered some clues about how and why PPB begins. There is much more to learn and we hope that if you are participating in the study already, you will continue to support this important work. If you are a family member of a child with PPB or a PPB survivor who is not yet in the study, please consider joining. Participating is easy and your help is needed.